Icy Weather Closes Regional Office
The Wilkes-Barre regional office will be closed to in-person services today.
Plan specialists and other staff will be working remotely.
Provides you with the option
to choose your own investments
and assume the risk.
Available to most employees
hired after 1/1/19.
Provides you with a combined retirement benefit, which includes a pension and investment plan.
Default retirement plan for most employees hired after 1/1/19.
Provides you with a voluntary supplemental investment
plan with tax deferred savings.
Available to most active employees.
Established in 1923, the Pennsylvania State Employees' Retirement System is one of the nation's oldest and largest statewide retirement plans for public employees. Our mission is to prepare our members and participants to achieve financial success and security in retirement. We are proud to serve you and thank you for your work to make Pennsylvania great.
New members can use this website to learn about your retirement benefit, particularly some choices you need to make when you're first hired. Active members can run estimates to see how your retirement benefit grows as your years of service and salary change. Members who are getting ready to retire can read about payment options and get a check list for your counseling session. Retired members can get duplicate tax forms and click through to the Pennsylvania Employees Benefit Trust Fund - the PEBTF - for more about your health care.
Estimate your future retirement benefit or the federal tax withholding from your current pension payments.
Provide your e-mail address to get member updates, notice of board meetings, press releases, and more.
Contact SERS with questions about your specific plan or fill out our contact form for general questions.
Icy Weather Closes Regional Office
The Wilkes-Barre regional office will be closed to in-person services today.
Plan specialists and other staff will be working remotely.
New & Updated Online Services Debuted Today
Earlier today, we updated services available in members’ online accounts.
If you are an active member currently working for a SERS employer or left state employment after qualifying for monthly pension payments but haven’t yet applied for them, you can now estimate your monthly pension reflecting a partial withdrawal of your contributions and interest.
If you are retired or receive payments from SERS as a beneficiary or survivor of a deceased SERS member, you can now produce a pension verification reflecting the payment data pulled from your member record. You also can now compare how changes to various fields on the new IRS W-4P form will impact the amount of money withheld from your payments for federal income tax purposes.
You’ll need to sign into your online account to use these new or updated services.
HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement Board, meeting here today, received reports on investment performance as of June 30 and its annual stress testing and risk assessment of the Defined Benefit (pension) Plan.
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HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement System today announced Empower as the winning bidder in its Board’s request for proposal (RFP) for a third-party administrator of the commonwealth’s restructured deferred compensation and defined contribution plans.
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HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement Board, meeting at the AFSCME Council 13 Conference Center today, approved a policy providing for public comments at board meetings.
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