There are a number of ways to estimate of your monthly pension payments: you can use one of the benefit calculators on this site, call our retirement counseling centers at 1.800.633.5461, or submit a Retirement Estimate Request form.
There are two benefit calculators on this site that allow you to generate estimates based on a number of different payment options and any future retirement date you would like:
The custom benefit calculator provides estimates based on current data pulled from your SERS member record, with the option to edit some data based on hypothetical situations. Because this calculator pulls your personal information, you need to sign into the secure online.
If you are planning to retire within the next year or two, you will want to request an estimate from a pension plan specialist. That will provide you with an opportunity to discuss specifics about your unique situation, including:
Our pension plan specialists give first priority to requests for near-future retirement dates
Your work history, in the event you have prior service that you could purchase in SERS
The best date to retire, considering your employer's payroll cycle and tax implications
Health care premium considerations
Federal income tax withholding