SERS Insights
At PennSERS, We’re Celebrating Our Happy Hundredth!

June 01, 2023 | Joe Torta, Executive Director | Terms & Disclaimers

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This year, 2023, is an especially auspicious time for SERS, as it marks the 100th anniversary of the retirement system’s establishment.

It was on June 27, 1923, that Governor Gifford Pinchot signed into law Act 331 (Public Law 858) creating the Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement System (PennSERS).

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It’s Almost Year-End: Do You Know Who Your Beneficiaries Are?

December 5, 2022 | Brenda Cunard, Director, Office of Member and Participant Services | Terms & Disclaimers

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As 2022 draws to a close, it is an appropriate time to review and reconsider some of the key points of interest that can impact your current and future financial status.

One of the most frequently overlooked aspects of financial planning is the designation of beneficiaries should something happen to you.

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“After The Love Has Gone’” or “Divorce And The Defined Benefit Pension”

October 20, 2021 | Salvatore Darigo, Chief Counsel’s Office | Terms & Disclaimers

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Neither family lawyers nor Earth, Wind and Fire can use a ‘70s ballad to solve the issue of who gets what when marital property is divided as part of a divorce.  In most cases, distributing marital assets is the second most important concern after child custody. When a defined benefit (“DB”) pension such as the one earned by SERS members is tossed into that mix, a complicated and emotionally-charged issue becomes even more complex and confusing.

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