Request a Withdrawal

The form you use to request a withdrawal from your account will be determined by the type of withdrawal you want to make. In most cases, you can access and submit your form in your online Defined Contribution Plan account or mobile app.

The Pennsylvania Treasury issues payments from the plan on three days each month. See the distribution schedule for those dates. In order for most withdrawals to be issued on a particular date, please submit your withdrawal form at least ten days in advance.

Retiring or Leaving State Employment?   If you are retiring or leaving state employment, don’t submit distribution requests to Empower until you see your leave payout or any lump sum rollovers from your pension deposited into the account you designated on your retirement applicaiton.  Empower cannot distribute money from your account until they receive an employment termination notice from your employer. When you see your leave payout and/or lump sum rollover deposited in your account, you’ll know that your employment termination has been processed.

NOTE: A debt to your employer (e.g. overdrawn leave or unreturned equipment/uniforms), will delay the termination notice and your distribution.  If you have an outstanding debt that exceeds the amount you expect to receive in your final pay, and you work for an employer under the Governor’s jurisdiction*, direct questions regarding why there is an overpayment to your Human Resources Office or the HR Service Center at (866) 377-2672. Questions regarding how to repay the debt should be directed to the Bureau of Commonwealth Payroll Operations (BCPO) Accounts Receivable Section at (717) 787-3377 or email at

Total Withdrawal Warning
If you are a straight Defined Contribution Plan participant (you opted out of the default Hybrid Plan and have no pension component to your retirement benefit) and you take a total withdrawal from your investment account, your eligibility points will be removed from your participant record. If you return to work for a SERS-participating employer, you will have to earn three eligibility points (work for three years) to be “vested” or eligible for the contributions your employer made toward your investment account.

If, on the other hand, you take a partial withdrawal or no withdrawal from your investment account, your eligibility points will remain in your participant record. In this case, if you return to work for a SERS-participating employer, you will begin adding new eligibility points to those already in your participant record.

I am …
I want to …
Form to Use
Where to Access Form

Retiring or leaving
state employment


Make a one-time withdraw paid
to me or rolled directly to a
financial institution.


Separation from
Employment Withdrawal Request


Online DC account,
mobile app or 1.866.737.7457


Retired or no longer
working forthe state


Make a one-time withdraw paid
to me or rolled directly to a
financial institution.


Separation from
Employment Withdrawal Request


Online DC account,
mobile app or 1.866.737.7457


Retired or no longer
working for the state


Establish regularly scheduled installment payments to me


Installment Payments




Retired or no longer
working for the state


Change my installment payment
plan -- time or amount


Installment Payments




Retired or no longer
working forthe state


Withdraw the required minimum amount -- the “required minimum
distribution” -- required by the IRS.


Required Minimum Distribution Request


Online DC account,
mobile app or 1.866.737.7457


The ex-spouse
of a participant


Withdraw money from the
account I received as part
of my divorce settlement


Alternate Payee




The beneficiary
of a participant


Withdraw money from the
account I inherited after the
death of a plan participant


Beneficiary Account Withdrawal Request


Online DC account,
mobile app or 1.866.737.7457


*Employees of the Liquor Control Board, Office of the Attorney General, Gaming Control Board, Public Utility Commission, Auditor General and all other agencies not under the Governor's jurisdiction should contact their local Human Resource office for assistance.